
Sunscreen for Mature Skin

Sunscreen for Mature Skin

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    Finding the right sunscreen is key, not only to guarantee a good level of protection against sunburn but also because the mix of negative effects caused by excessive exposure to the sun accelerates skin aging. For this reason, it is important to use an ANTI-AGING SUNSCREEN that offers greater benefits against premature aging.

    Let's see below how you can recognize this type of protector to purchase the right one.


    BROAD SPECTRUM sunscreens offer protection against different types of UV rays; not only against UVB rays. But what often happens when people reach for sunscreen? It is common for them to focus on the Sun Protection Factor (SPF) they offer and assume that just by specifying an SPF 30+ or 50+ they will already obtain a high level of protection. Therefore, it is important to know what each term specified on the protector packaging refers to, as well as what factors we should really protect ourselves from.

    First of all, we must know what causes the sun's rays to be so negative when they impact us in excess and without adequate protection.

    The sun emits its energy in the form of ultraviolet (UVA and UVB), visible and infrared radiation. The action of infrared radiation enhances the harmful effects of UVA and UVB rays, especially photoaging. The joint action of both radiations results in loss of collagen and elastin, and indirect damage to DNA. Furthermore, when visible light (also emitted by electronic devices) enters the equation, its action enhances the erythema generated by both UV and infrared rays.

    In the case of UVA rays, they can cause premature aging of the skin and, consequently, cause wrinkles and age spots. UVB rays can burn the skin. Too much exposure to ultraviolet rays can cause skin cancer.

    Infrared radiation, for its part, is what keeps the Earth warm and gives us the feeling of warmth and well-being, but it is also responsible for sunstroke and heat stroke. Therefore, when a “thermal stress” is generated that affects the cells, the number and action of free radicals increases, which then attack healthy cells, causing aging.

    Lastly, we have visible light or HEV rays, which penetrate deeply into the skin and can damage the cells beneath it. With this action, the creation of free radicals is stimulated, capable of breaking down cellular structures in the long term. As a consequence, the elasticity of the skin decreases. Therefore, they greatly influence premature aging of the skin.

    2. How to recognize an ANTI-AGING SUNSCREEN?

    Once we have understood how the sun's rays can affect us, we must recognize what each term refers to on sunscreen packaging.

    First of all, we have the SPF (Sun Protection Factor), which indicates the level of protection against UVB RAYS, but it has already become clear to us that exposure to the sun's rays can affect us through this type of radiation. So, ultimately, it will not be enough for us to only have SPF 50+.

    To obtain the greatest protection we will need our sunscreen, in addition to having a good SPF, to be BROAD SPECTRUM. But what does this mean? Basically, it means that this sunscreen will not only protect us from UVB rays but also offer complete protection against UVA, IR-A, and HEV radiation.

    Have you already recognized your ANTI-AGING sunscreen? Mainly, an ANTI-AGING SUNSCREEN should protect us from ultraviolet, infrared and blue light radiation. That is to say, if your sunscreen is BROAD SPECTRUM or includes the acronyms UVB, UVA, IR-A and HEV (visible light or blue light) on its packaging, it will be considered ANTI-AGING because it will prevent the appearance of spots and wrinkles.

    In addition to this, its effects can be enhanced if it includes ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, vitamin E, retinol or collagen in its formula, which are especially beneficial agents in preventing premature aging.


    Using an anti-aging sunscreen (with a good SPF and broad spectrum) is essential to prevent premature skin aging. The radiation emitted by the sun is one of the main causes of premature aging, as it can damage collagen and elastin fibers, which can cause wrinkles and loss of elasticity. In addition, many sunscreens also contain anti-aging ingredients, such as vitamin E, hyaluronic acid and retinol, which help hydrate and nourish the skin, improving its appearance and delaying the appearance of wrinkles.

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