A Complete Guide on How to Wash Your Hair After Hair Transplant

A Complete Guide on How to Wash Your Hair After Hair Transplant

This article has been medically reviewed by Prof. Dr. Naci Karacoglan

Disclaimer: This is the method we use for our own patients after close examination. It may not be suitable for everyone.
Please follow instructions of your surgeon if different from what you read below.

So, you’ve just had your hair transplant and looking for a guide on how to wash your hair after hair transplant? You're in the right spot! 

Before we start, you should know that washing your hair after hair transplantation in the correct way is one of the important instructions to ensure the success of the operation. 

Washing your hair properly will help you get the most optimal results out of your hair transplant. 

In this guide you will learn about:

  • How you should wash your hair after hair transplant.
  • How frequently you should wash hair 
  • Why it is important to wash your hair after hair transplant.
  • Do’s and don’ts while washing your hair. 

Note Before We Proceed: If you Would Like To View 100s Of Hair Transplant Before And After Click Here

How to Wash Your Hair After Hair Transplant?
The first hair wash after hair transplant normally at the earliest is 48 hours after the operation. That is, on the 3rd day and it’s better if it is performed at the clinic by a specialized nurse. 48 hours is the time needed for tissues and micro-wounds to heal after hair transplant.

Normally, all clinics in Turkey provide all-inclusive hair transplant packages which include aftercare products such as a lotion, shampoo, and ointment.

In our clinic, the washing process to follow below must be performed every day for ten days and is divided into two phases:

Phase A : The first five days of washing

      1. Apply the Moisturizing Lotion 

The first step before you start washing your hair is to apply the lotion on both the transplanted and donor area. 
Apply a sufficient coat of the lotion on both areas and leave it on your scalp for 30 minutes

Side Note:

The lotions helps soften the dried blood  and scabs that are formed a few days after the operation.

          2. Wash the Hair 

After 30 minutes have passed, start rinsing your hair very gently using lukewarm water, without applying pressure from a shower head. We usually use our hands or a small bowl. 

Keep rinsing until there are no traces of the cream left. 
Now apply a small amount of the shampoo into the palm of your hands and rub it on the donor area (back of the scalp) and massage for a few seconds. You then rinse your head with water. Please note that you don't use shampoo on the transplanted area for the first five days. 

Finally, dry your hair by using a clean cotton towel and pat dry on your scalp without rubbing.


It's recommended to use a shower bowl instead of a shower head as pressurized water could affect the grafts.

       3. Applying the Ointment (Hair Cream)

The last step after you've dried your hair is to apply the same cream onto the donor area and leave it. Try not to apply too much of the cream. A dime-sized amount is enough to cover it.

For the transplanted area, we recommend you spray the salt water solution we provide patients and leave it. You can spray it up to five times a day, whenever you feel itching or discomfort. It also helps sterilize the incision wounds and accelerate the healing process. 

Phase B: The second five days of washing

     1. Apply the Moisturizing Lotion

The first step before you start washing your hair is to apply the lotion on both the transplanted and donor area. 
Apply a sufficient coat of the lotion on both areas and leave it on your scalp for 1 full hour. 

     2. Wash the Hair

After 1 hour has passed, start rinsing your hair very gently using lukewarm water, without applying pressure from a shower head. Keep rinsing until there are no traces of the cream left.

Now, apply a small amount of the shampoo into the palm of your hands and rub it on both the donor (back of the scalp) and transplanted areas massage for a few seconds. You then rinse your head with water. Please during this period, use the shampoo provided to you by the clinic.

     3. Applying the Ointment (Hair Cream)

The last step after you've dried your hair is to apply the same cream onto the donor area and leave it. Try not to apply too much of the cream. A dime-sized amount is enough to cover it.

For the transplanted area, we recommend you spray the salt water solution we provide patients and leave it. You can spray it up to five times a day, whenever you feel itching or discomfort. It also helps sterilize the incision wounds and accelerate the healing process.

A Quick Info:

The ointment helps in healing the wounds faster.

How Often Should You Wash Your Hair After Hair Transplant?

Patients have to wash their hair daily or every other day (depending on their doctor’s recommendation) for a period of 2 weeks.

Washing the hair once per day is enough and after two weeks you may return back to your regular washing regimen.

The Purpose of Washing Your Hair Daily After Hair Transplant

Washing the hair every day for a period of two weeks will help accelerate the healing process.

It also helps in removing the scabs after hair transplant faster allowing the new hair to grow. The scabs will start to fall out within 7 to 10 days. Within 10 days after your hair transplant, the scabs must be totally gone and your transplanted area must be clean. 

If after 2 weeks some scabs still exist on the scalp you can apply the lotion only on the scabs. 

Wait for one hour before washing it off and by making a foam you can remove them slowly with your fingertips.

Kind Reminder:

Never peel off the scabs with your fingertips before 2 weeks have passed.

What Happens If a Normal Shampoo is Used After Hair Transplant? 

During the first two weeks after hair transplant the skin is very sensitive and must be treated with special care. And since drugstore shampoos contain chemical ingredients it’s not recommended to use them. Thus, the best shampoo after FUE hair transplant is a medical one that contains no chemicals. These kinds of shampoos are very gentle on the scalp and cause no harm. The shampoo provided by your clinic will be enough for 1 month. After 1 month you can use your normal shampoo, but it’s recommended if you get a hair growth shampoo.

This will stimulate the growth of the new hair and make it stronger and healthier.

Things to Avoid Doing While Washing Your Hair After Hair Transplant

The first 2 weeks after a hair transplant are very critical and patients must be very attentive and delicate with the new hair.

These are some precautionary measures to consider while washing your hair after hair transplant:

  1. Do not wash your hair immediately after hair transplant. Wait at least 48 hours to wash it.
  2. Never scratch, rub, or peel off the scabs on your scalp as this could damage the grafts.
  3. Do not wash your hair with hot water. Instead, use lukewarm water (more cold than hot).
  4. Use a shower bowl instead of a shower tap to reduce the water pressure. You can have someone help you to make it easier.  
  5. Avoid using a blow dryer to dry your head. You can dry it using a soft cotton towel or a paper towel with high absorbency.

We hope that this guide on how to wash your hair after hair transplant was helpful to you. If you still have any concerns about hair washing you can always get in touch with us and our patient coordinator will be pleased to help.   

Always Remember!

Washing after hair transplant is not a daunting thing to do if you do it the right way.


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