Hair Transplant Stages

Hair Transplant Stages

Table of Contents

    Hair transplant surgery, whether by FUE, FUT, or DHI methods, typically involves several stages, including consultation, preparation, harvesting, preparing the grafts, and transplanting the grafts until final recovery and results. 

    Here is a more detailed explanation of each step, starting from the moment you start your consultation with us online until your see satisfying results.

    Hair Transplant Stages

    hair transplant goes through several stages which start with consultation either face-to-face or online and ends with the results. 

    1. Consultation

    2. Preparation 

    3. Anesthesia

    4. Extraction 

    5. Transplantation 

    6. Instructions

    7. Recovery 

    8. Results


    A consultation is an essential step before you start planning your hair transplant. We usually perform online consultations, as most of our patients come from abroad. 

    Our hair transplant surgeon reviews your photos, medical history, and other factors that may affect the procedure's outcome. 

    We discuss your expectations and the results. The patient will be instructed to prepare for the procedure and avoid certain medications and supplements.


    Before the procedure, we have a preparation session. This includes planning the surgery, designing the hairline, going over consent forms and blood test results, and taking photographs for the medical record. 

    In addition, the patient is supposed to be given calming medication to help them relax and be as comfortable as possible for the next stage of the treatment.


    Hair transplants are usually performed under local anesthesia to numb the treated area. Anesthesia is first performed in the donor area before extraction and then in the recipient area before implantation. 

    In addition to painless anesthesia preparators, we give mild sedatives intravenously to ensure the patient’s comfort to the maximum level possible. 


    The extraction of the grafts starts with the preparation of the donor site. The surgeon will mark the area of the scalp where the hair will be removed (the donor site). The hair from the donor site will be shaved to a length of approximately 1 to 2 millimeters.

    The surgeon will use a small punch to remove the hair follicles from the donor site one by one. In FUE (follicular unit extraction) procedures, the punch tool is usually less than 1 millimeter in diameter and is used to remove a small circle of skin around the hair follicle. 

    The same tool is used to remove the hair follicles using the DHI (direct hair implantation) procedure. However, the hair follicles are immediately transplanted to the recipient site after extraction without the need for pre-made incisions.

    While in FUT, the surgeon will use a particular instrument to remove a strip of skin containing the hair follicles. The ribbon is then carefully dissected under a microscope to separate the individual follicles.


    In traditional FUE, the surgeon will make small incisions in the recipient site and carefully place the hair follicles in the incisions. 

    In DHI hair transplants, follicles are directly placed into Choi Implanter pens and inserted into the recipient site. 


    At the end of your surgery, we will provide you with all the necessary medication and products for post-op care. 

    We take the time to give you instructions on protecting your transplanted hair and avoiding any possible side effects or complications.


    After the procedure, you will be given instructions for caring for your scalp and transplanted hair. 

    It is essential to follow these instructions carefully to ensure the best possible outcome. You can check out our complete hair transplant recovery guide


    Results in hair transplant can take up to 12 months, to be precise. However, significant results are visible around six months after your surgery. 

    We follow up with each patient and provide recommendations until the end of their hair transplant journey.

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