Posted 29/10/2022 in Hair Transplant

Female Hair Transplant

Female Hair Transplant

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      Medically reviewed & verified by: Expert Hair Transplant

    Written by: ClinicAdvisor

    When we talk about female hair transplant, there are some things to consider. 

    Hair loss in women should also be dealt with in a different approach than in men. This is because the pattern of hair loss in women is distinctly different which limits the treatment options available.

    In this article, we will discuss women hair transplant, how effective it is, and whether it is considered successful or not.

    How does hair transplantation for women work?

    Hair transplantation for women involves extracting healthy hair follicles from the back of the head (the donor area) and transplanting them to places that suffer from hair thinning or baldness.

    It is necessary to know that the pattern of hair loss in women is unstable and not fixed in certain areas compared to baldness in men.

    Usually, we can see that hair loss or thinning in women may target all areas of the scalp, including the donor area.

    Therefore, hair transplantation may not be suitable for some female hair loss cases due to the weakness of the donor area.

    What are the suitable cases for female hair transplants?

    As we mentioned above, some cases for women may not be suitable for hair transplantation. 

    So, it is important to diagnose the condition and the appropriate treatments. The following female cases are more suitable for a hair transplant:

    • Those who want to reduce the size of the forehead.
    • Women who suffer from visible bald patches.
    • Women who have lost their hair as a result of certain injuries such as an accident or burns.
    • Women who suffer from Androgenetic Alopecia.
    • Those who suffer from bald patches due to trichotillomania provided that they undergo treatment before hair transplantation and do not return to this habit.

    Nevertheless, cases of women who suffer from general hair thinning are not considered suitable for hair transplantation. 

    Therefore, it is important to distinguish between the types of hair loss in women and their suitability for hair transplantation before making a decision.

    Pros and cons of female hair transplantation 

    Hair transplantation is an ideal solution for those who suffer from baldness or a receding hairline. The same applies to women.

    Advantages of female hair transplantation:

    • Reducing the size of the forehead.
    • Increase hair density in areas where balding patches are becoming visible.
    • Restoring the hair for women who suffer from female pattern baldness.
    • Regaining hair after receiving a treatment for trichotillomania.

    Disadvantages of female hair transplantation:

    One of the downsides of hair transplantation for women may be the necessity of shaving the hair, either completely or partially. 

    This makes many women reluctant to undergo the procedure because it is difficult to shave their hair.

    But there is another option where hair can be transplanted without completely shaving the hair using the DHI (Choi Implanter) technique.

    How is a hair transplant for women without shaving performed?

    Since shaving is difficult for many women, there is a technique that allows doctors to transplant hair without resorting to fully shaving the hair.

    This technique is represented by the use of the Choi Implanter Pens, which allows access to the areas with existing hair and inserting the hair follicles directly into the scalp without shaving.

    Despite this, the issue of shaving the donor area behind the head remains necessary so that the surgeon and the technicians are able to extract the hair grafts accurately.

    Shaving donor area for female hair transplant

    But regardless of shaving the donor area, the good thing for women who have long hair is their ability to cover the shaved area, as shown in the image below.

    Covering the donor area after female hair transplant

    And the hair will return to grow again within a few months.

    Hair growth in donor area after two and a half months

    Side effects after female hair transplant surgery

    The side effects of hair transplantation are among the mildest symptoms compared to other cosmetic operations which include:

    • Swelling of the forehead and around the eyes.
    • Redness of the scalp.
    • Minor bleeding after the operation.
    • Itching.
    • Scabbing (crusts formation)
    • Numbness or tingling of the scalp.

    There are also some complications that are rare for as long as you have the operation done by a specialist doctor. Including:

    Infection or inflammation may occur due to non-compliance with sterilization standards or because the patient does not follow hygiene after the operation.

    Skin tissue damage leading to necrosis.

    Allergic reaction to local anesthesia.

    Recovery phase after hair transplantation for women

    The recovery period after hair transplantation is very short and individuals return to their normal life within 10-14 days. 

    After a week of the operation, the swelling will disappear and you can return to work while avoiding heavy lifting.

    Scabs will begin to appear at the end of the first week and disappear 14 days after the operation, provided that the head is washed properly.

    Hair transplant results for women

    The first results of hair transplantation in women appear after 6-7 months. While the hair continues to grow and increase in density over time. 

    Women can get the final results of their hair transplant after 9-12 months.

    Below you will see one of the previous experiences of hair transplantation for women in Turkey and the results after a full year.

    Female hair transplant results

    You can see more details about this case here.

    Is it possible to cover the head after female hair transplantation?

    One of the most common questions that come to the mind of women is the possibility of covering the hair after hair transplantation.

    It is known that hair should not be covered after a hair transplant for at least the first two weeks. This is to prevent any damage and friction with the transplanted hair grafts.

    But in some cases, some women have to wear a headcover immediately after the operation. 

    In this case, a silk scarf can be put under one condition. They must not wrap it very tight on the scalp to prevent it from rubbing against the follicles and dislodging them.

    It is better for women who wear hijab to take permission from work or school for 10 to 14 days until the hair follicles are securely settled in the scalp.

    What is the cost of hair transplant for women?

    The cost of hair transplant for women is the same as hair transplant for men, ranging from 4000 to 15000 US dollars in the United States.

    Prices vary according to the area to be transplanted. For example, the price for transplanting or lowering the hairline may cost less, because the number of transplanted follicles is less.

    Because of the high cost in countries such as the USA, the UK, and Europe, most women prefer to have the operation in a much cheaper country.

    The cost of female hair transplant in Turkey is lower but high quality. It ranges from 1500 to 2300 US dollars, including all services, such as accommodation and transportation.

    What is the success rate of hair transplant for women?

    The success rate of hair transplants for women varies according to the condition and the degree of hair loss. 

    For example, the best cases of hair transplantation are for women who want to reduce the size of the forehead, and the success rate, in this case, is high. This is in addition to cases that suffer from balding patches.

    On the other hand, cases that suffer from general hair thinning on the entire scalp, may not have a high success rate.

    Therefore, it is critical to choose a professional doctor who will be able to tell you if your condition is suitable and the expected results.

    Is there an alternative to hair transplantation for women?

    We mentioned above that there are some cases of women that may not be suitable for hair transplantation.

    In these cases, such as thinning hair, alternatives to hair transplantation may be more appropriate to treat hair loss and increase its density.

    Some of those alternatives include:

    • Regenera Activa hair loss treatment.
    • PRP sessions that stimulate hair growth and strengthen the hair.
    • Minoxidil sprays with a low concentration of 2%.
    • Mesotherapy sessions.
    • LLLT laser hair loss treatment.



    Does hair transplantation work for women?

    Hair transplants for women are considered successful in certain cases, such as reducing the sıze of the forehead or restoring hair in balding areas. On the other hand, the success rate of the operation may decrease if it is used with the purpose of increasing hair density for those who suffer from general thinning of hair on the scalp.

    How long does hair transplantation take for women?

    Women's hair transplantation does not take long because the number of transplanted follicles, especially for cases that do not suffer from baldness, is limited. The operation hours range between 5-6 hours, depending on the number of follicles that will be transplanted.

    When can I see the results after female hair transplant?

    The results of women hair transplantation begin to appear in the sixth month after the operation. And the hair continues to grow and increase in density after 9 to 12 or 18 months.

    When can I dye my hair after a hair transplant?

    Women can use hair dye 1-2 months after hair transplantation.

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