Posted 30/12/2022 in Hair Transplant

Stem Cell Hair Transplant

Stem Cell Hair Transplant

Table of Contents

    How does stem cell hair transplant work?

    The HST, short for Hair Stem Cell Transplantation, is a hair transplant method that entails the extraction of the hair follicle as well as the stem cells surrounding it.  

    During a stem cell hair transplant, your surgeon only takes a part instead of the entire hair follicle to grow one or more hairs. This is because the stem cells are found in the tissue (graft) used for transplantation, as well as in the tissue that is left behind. 

    This results in new hair growth in both the donor area and the recipient area. HST is an innovative method that uses natural stem cells in combination with a specially developed medium. 

    This ensures graft viability and stimulates stem cell growth. The result is 100% natural hair growth without damaging either the donor area or the recipient area, thanks to the use of a 0.5mm needle only versus 0.7mm to 1.2mm used in other techniques.

    Unlike traditional hair transplant where the hair follicle doesn’t grow back in the donor area and only grows in the transplanted area, stem cell transplant allows hair to also keep growing in the donor area. 

    How long does it take to recover from a stem cell hair transplant?

    A stem cell hair transplant - like a normal hair transplant - is a minimally invasive operation performed under local anesthesia. Therefore, it does not take long to bounce back from the surgery. You should expect mild pain in the 2-3 days following the procedure.

    No strict recovery time is required but it is recommended to avoid excessive physical effort and exercise for at least a week.

    You should also arrange for a ride home after the procedure, because the effects of anesthesia may leave the patient feeling light-headed. 

    There are no noticeable permanent scars after stem cell hair transplant. But, in the first week, there are signs of the transplant such as:

    • Swelling around the eyes and forehead

    • scabs around the transplanted area

    • Temporary scarring around the donor area

    Who might benefit from Stem Cell Hair Transplant?

    This innovative technique is particularly aimed at men or women with baldness, provided that the baldness does not exceed stage 2 on the Norwood-Hamilton scale (men) and stage 1 on the Ludwig scale (women).

    Beyond this degree of severity, there is no danger or risk in having the transplant, but the results may be disappointing.

    It is also intended for men and women whose hair has lost its density and vitality over the years.

    What are the side effects of stem cell hair transplant?

    The HST technique does not damage the donor and recipient area, it is absolutely possible to repeat the transplants in the future. Aesthetically, the result is very natural and leaves no scars on the dermis.

    Having said that, because this method is very new, there’s very little information available about its possible side effects. As with any medical procedure, there’s always the risk of bleeding or infection at the site of the extraction and the implantation. 

    In addition, as rare as it may be, there’s a small risk of damage to the arteries and nerves underneath the donor and recipient sites. 

    How successful are stem cell hair transplants?

    Stem cell hair transplant is an innovative method still being researched. The results so far are very promising for men who suffer from male pattern baldness and women with diffuse alopecia. 

    A team of researchers has examined how follicles grow out of the skin and how they produce hair using stem cells cultured in vitro.

    The team started with skin cells from a newborn mouse and then analyzed the collective behavior of the cells using state-of-the-art 3d techniques.

    Thanks to their observations, the research team was able to produce a molecular roadmap. By applying it, they managed to stimulate adult skin cells. 

    The result? They continued their development and produced hair.

    Recent discoveries represent real hope that treatments stimulating hair growth will emerge in the future. Nevertheless, years or even decades separate research from the wide marketing of the practice. 

    In the meantime, a hair transplant remains the only effective solution to restore your hair if you suffer from androgenetic alopecia.

    How much does a stem cell hair transplant cost?

    Stem cell hair transplant is still in the very early stages of research and not many clinics offer it as a treatment. Clinics who do, tend not to mention prices and go on a client-by-client basis. 

    However, broadly speaking, stem cell hair transplant can cost anywhere between $2000 and $12000. The final price depends on the country, the clinic, and the extent of the hair loss.  

    Our Take,

    Stem cells are still an infant field in their use in medicine including hair transplants. There isn't enough scientific research and long-term studies that can be used as references. The first successful stem cell hair transplant was only performed in 2017 in Italy. So there is still a long way to go before we learn the broader effect and any possible side effects. 


    1. NCBI: Conventional and novel stem cell-based therapies for androgenic alopecia 
    2. NCBIStem cells from human hair follicles: first mechanical isolation for immediate autologous clinical use in androgenetic alopecia and hair loss
    3. Healthline: The Stem Cell Hair Transplant May Change the Future of Hair Regrowth 

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