The Dangers of Exposure to Sunlight After Hair Transplant

The Dangers of Exposure to Sunlight After Hair Transplant

As you decide to go to Turkey for hair transplant which is a famous touristic destination. You will definitely be tempted to spend some time in its beautiful resorts and beaches if you go during summer.

But a question that we get from most of the patients is whether exposure to sunlight after hair transplant damages the grafts. 

The answer is simply YES!

Wondering why and how it affects the transplanted hair and skin?

Let’s find out together the drawbacks of sunbathing and being exposed to UV rays after hair transplant.

Exposure to Sunlight After Hair Transplant 

We’re all aware of the hazardous damages sun rays cause to our skin, let alone when you have just done a hair transplant. But if you follow the instructions correctly after hair transplantation, you will avoid all those damages.

Patients are recommended to avoid direct exposure to sunlight or UV rays for 1-2 months. 

This includes going to the beach and staying under the sun for long hours and also tanning beds. 

With this being said, there is no harm in going out for short intervals like the time it takes you to walk from your home to the car. 

So, why should I avoid sunlight after hair transplant?!

Sun and UV rays put both your skin and the newly transplanted grafts at a risk. And that is due to the following reasons:

#1 Sun Damages the Skin

After hair transplant, the incisions on the scalp take some time to heal completely and that makes the skin very sensitive. 

Therefore, exposing the scalp to ultraviolet rays emitted from the sun or tanning beds impedes the recovery process and causes visible scarring.

In addition to that, the skin is made up of cells called Melanocytes. These are the cells that are responsible for pigmentation. 

When the skin is exposed to sunlight or UV rays these cells darken and act as a shield to protect it from any damage. 

However, after a hair transplant, these cells are inactive and go dormant for a few months before it regenerates. 

This means that for a while your skin will have nothing to protect it from the sun and UV rays. Hence, it’s your responsibility to take care of your hair and skin during this period.

Find out the right positions to sleep after hair transplant 

#2 Sun Damages to The Hair Grafts

Hair transplant is not only operated on the outer layer of the skin. It rather penetrates deeper tissues beyond the epidermis. 

Thus, exposure to sunlight after a hair transplant irritates the scalp and disables the functionality of the grafts from taking root.

This prolongs the healing process of the scalp and hinders the natural hair growth of the newly implanted grafts. 


After hair transplant patients must avoid UV radiations either those emitted from the sun or solarium tanning beds for at least 2 months. 

Effects of Sweating After Hair Transplant

Sweating after hair transplant either by staying under the sun or going to the sauna and even working out jeopardizes the hair grafts. 

First of all, let’s not forget that the incisions on the scalp and the donor area are still not healed.  

And when you sweat too much this causes infection and bacteria build up on the scalp. 

Not only does sweating causes infection of the scalp. But also, when the acid in the sweat comes in contact with the wounds it causes irritation and slows down the healing process. 


Any activities that involve excessive sweating like sauna, steam rooms and working out must be avoided for at least 1 month after hair transplant.

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Practical Ways to Protect Your Hair from Sunlight After Hair Transplant

No, you definitely don’t have to be locked up at home for 1 or 2 months. In Fact, protecting your hair grafts and skin from sun rays is very effortless only if you follow these simple instructions:

  1. Wear the fisherman’s hat provided by the clinic. This is the best kind of hat to cover your head with as it’s loose and can be worn immediately after the operation.
  2. After the micro incisions have completely healed you can apply sunscreen of at least 30 SPF. Do not use sunblock before the wounds are healed as this will lead to inflammation of the skin.
  3. Stay in the shade as much as you can whenever you go outside. 

All the above-mentioned reasons are not worth risking your hair transplant results and exposing yourself to problems you're needless to. 

Instead, try to focus on getting optimal results during the first couple of months after the operation. It's easier than having to deal with bigger problems.

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