Posted 29/10/2022 in Hair Transplant

Tips and Instructions after Hair Transplant

Tips and Instructions after Hair Transplant

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      Medically reviewed & verified by dermatologists at: Expert Hair Transplant

    Written by: ClinicAdvisor

    Hair restoration through a hair transplant is a delicate procedure, and its success rate depends largely on the patient’s attention to the tips and instructions after hair transplant.

    In this article, we will discuss the most important hair transplant aftercare instructions.

    These tips will help you take care of the transplanted hair grafts and ensure the best possible result.

    Expectations and side effects after hair transplant

    The more you adhere to your doctor's advice after hair transplantation, the faster the recovery will be and the better results you will obtain.

    Keep in mind that the first two weeks after hair transplantation is a very important period. It plays a major role in the success of your operation. 

    During this period, you will experience some mild side effects, including:

    1. Swelling and puffiness of the face.
    2. Light bleeding.
    3. Redness.
    4. The appearance of some pimples in the donor or transplanted area.
    5. The appearance of scabs (crusts) in the transplanted area.
    6. A sensation of itching in the donor area.
    7. Numbness and tingling in the scalp.
    8. Hair loss in the donor area. This is known as hair shock loss after transplantation.

    Most of these side effects usually start to disappear from the first week after the procedure. 

    After this period, you can return to work while taking some precautions, especially if your work is in the field.

    Post-hair transplant tips and instructions

    One of the most important things that any patient should know after a hair transplant is that during this process, thousands of follicles are extracted from the donor area. 

    And a corresponding number of incisions are created in the receiving area to insert the extracted hair follicles.

    Since both the donor and recipient areas are anesthetized to complete the operation without pain. 

    This leads to loss of sensation and numbness in the recipient area for a period of time. 

    Therefore, the patient must be very careful during the first 14 days after hair transplant. 

    This includes not touching the transplanted area or doing anything that could lead to the loss of the hair follicles.

    Especially during sleep, it will be necessary to sleep on your back after a hair transplant to avoid friction and damage to the transplanted hair grafts. 

    This will also help reduce swelling after hair transplantation. You can also apply cold compresses to your forehead and cheeks to help reduce swelling.

    How can I take care of my transplanted hair and what should I avoid?

    During the first two weeks after hair transplant, make sure not to scratch your scalp or try to remove the scabs as this may damage the transplanted follicles.

    When washing your hair after hair transplantation, use lukewarm water and gently massage your scalp with circular motions. 

    By doing this for the first two weeks, the scabs will fall off on their own.

    A month after hair transplantation, you can use your favorite shampoo, preferably free of harmful chemicals. 

    Wondering what shampoos to use after a hair transplant? We have discussed in a separate article the best shampoos to use after a hair transplant.

    washing hair after hair transplant - Source: Avrupa Hair TransplantIn addition to taking your medications and washing your hair properly, here are some things to avoid after hair transplantation:

    When will my transplanted hair start to grow?

    After a hair transplant procedure, patients quickly wonder how long it will take for the transplanted hair to grow. 

    Some patients begin to get nervous and think that the operation has failed when they don’t see hair growth during the first couple of months.

    While many people actually don't fully realize that in order to get the final results, they have to wait at least 8 months

    In some cases, it may take up to 12 months depending on the nature and growth rate of the hair.

    The transplanted hair goes through certain growth stages. Two weeks after hair transplantation, the transplanted hair will start to fall out, and this is completely normal and there is no need to worry. 

    By the third month, the hair will start to grow again and this time it will never fall out.

    At first, the transplanted hair will look light and thin, but over time it will become thicker and healthier.

    Final words,

    This is a summary of the instructions after a hair transplant in a simplified way. 

    If you adhere to all these tips and instructions, you will guarantee the best results and speed up the recovery period after the operation.

    Do not forget that your adherence to these instructions is one of the most important reasons for the success of your hair transplantation.

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